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On Track

MAG Silver is on track to deliver lasting and sustainable value to its people, stakeholders and communities.

Our approach to sustainability and responsible development integrates health, safety, environment and social responsibility into the Company’s business strategy.

2023 Sustainability Report

Our Commitment

MAG strives to integrate responsible resource development practices while creating long-term value for our shareholders, stakeholders and communities in which we operate.

We partner with groups who share our values and deep commitment to responsible mining, and promote a culture of zero harm to people, host communities and the environment.

The health, safety, wellbeing and welfare of our people at work remains a top priority, along with upholding our commitment to environmental stewardship and regulatory compliance. We strive to share the economic benefits of our operations and to make a positive difference to the communities in which we live and work.

Our Approach

Our approach is designed to strengthen the Sustainability Strategy and our performance. This has been accomplished by increasing public disclosure, updating corporate policies, developing and enhancing management systems and programs, seeking new ways to proactively engage with internal and external stakeholders over material sustainability topics and stakeholder concerns.

Sustainability Strategy

MAG Silver’s Health, Safety, Environment and Social Responsibility Policies establish the foundation of our Sustainability Strategy and clearly communicate the Company’s expectations for employees, directors, consultants and contractors providing services for or on behalf of the Company.

Sustainability Oversight

The Board oversees strategy, governance and risk and provides guidance on managing risks and opportunities associated with ESG matters and sustainability. Responsibility for managing programs and practices relating to sustainability is delegated by the Board to the CEO and CSO with support from our sustainability team. MAG Silver’s overall governance structure reflects and represents the foundational structure for the oversight of sustainability and ESG matters.

MAG Silver follows an annual reporting cycle and reports on its sustainability performance in the Management Information Circular, Annual Information Form and on our website.

Sustainability Reports

ESG Data Table

MAG’s comprehensive ESG data table.



Our approach emphasizes effective water, waste and tailings management, responsible land use, energy efficiency and climate action within our operating environments.

  • 21,614 tCO2e total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions*

*20,600 tCO2e as reported by Fresnillo plc, the operator of the Juanicipio Mine (MAG’s 44%-owned JV Project)
  • 401,142 m3 water recycled at Juanicipio*

*Includes TSF return water to the processing plant and on-site residual water treatment plants.
  • 99% renewable energy use at Juanicipio


MAG is committed to building trust and respect, addressing our stakeholders’ concerns and making a positive difference in the communities in which we live and work.

Health & Safety

  • 110,600 Health & Safety Training Hours in 2023

  • 4,840,544 total hours worked
  • 3.22 Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (3.48 in 2022)
  • 2.12 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (1.92 in 2022)


  • 72% Local Employment at Juanicipio

  • Positive Social License measured at Deer Trail and Larder (as of 2024)


  • $342.8M Economic Contributions at Juanicipio ($245.2M in 2022)

  • Social Management System in use at exploration projects
  • Grievance Mechanism in place at all projects
  • 13+ community engagement initiatives across four different project streams (health, education, capacity building and micro-enterprise projects)


MAG is committed to the highest level of governance that guide us as we strive to create safe working environments that value diversity, equality, inclusion, integrity and respect for all.

38% of Board directors are female, surpassing the 30% target in MAG’s DEI Policy

32% of MAG’s workforce are female (26% in 2022)

  • 2,134 Total Workforce (2,081 Juanicipio)

  • Zero incidents of ethical conflict or corruption

  • Ongoing review of policy and charter updates

MAG’s Board of Directors has established governance guidelines and committees to manage and assist in carrying out its many responsibilities.

MAG’s committee charters define the roles and responsibilities of the committees within the governance framework of MAG. Each member of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, Governance and Nomination Committee, Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee meets the independence requirements established by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). Our standards are shown in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

Whistleblower Protection

MAG has a Whistleblower hotline through Integrity Counts, a Canadian provider of global ethics reporting services, as an independent and external administrator of this helpline to allow any employee, contractor or member of the public who becomes aware of a violation of the MAG Silver Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, violations of other internal policies or guidelines or violations of any applicable law or regulations to anonymously report suspected violations. Submissions can be made in English or Spanish.

Methods of Reporting

Submissions in English or Spanish may be made in any of the following manners:

North America




By using the anonymous and confidential helpline

An independent third party, Integrity Counts, has been retained as an independent and external administrator to address whistleblower concerns.

There are three ways to submit a complaint via Integrity Counts:
(i) filing a report on the website,
(ii) calling the toll-free phone number, or
(iii) submitting an email. All reports generated by the service are transmitted to the Chair of the Committee.

Integrity Counts’ contact details for reporting a concern are as follows:

North America Toll Free: 1-866-921-6714
Mexico Toll Free: 001-800-099-0642

By letter/mail/courier directly to the Chair of the Committee

MAG Silver Corp.
801 – 815 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 3N9

Chair of the Audit Committee


Note that in the instance where a submission involves the Chair of the Committee, the letter/mail/courier should be addressed to the attention of the Chair of the Board of Directors (or via email to

By raising the concern in an informal manner

Employees may consider raising their concern in an informal manner. For example, the concern could be reported directly to any supervisor or member of management whom the employee is comfortable approaching.

Any manager or other supervisory employee who receives a report of an alleged violation must immediately forward the report to the Chair of the Committee.

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